Friday, June 4, 2010

Luna-Be the Ball

We adopted Luna from an animal control facility when Tribble passed on. We were looking for a young dog that would be a good companion for Athena. They hit it off great so we adopted her. Then we found out she was almost as old as Athena. Luna is a border collie/ Brittany Spaniel mix. She has the coloring and most of the look of the border collie, but the hyperness of the Spaniel.

She was very nervous about coming home...until she found a tennis ball. She brought it over and chased it wherever we through it. When she is focused on the ball, nothing will distract her. The funny part is watching her tail. If the ball is on the floor, her tail is wagging and she's watching you. As soon as you touch the ball, the tail stops and she is in full concentration mode. She had very quick reflexes and was very smart about where it would go if you are standing at X and kicking it. She would figure out the trajectory and be right there to get it.

She has a really good disposition. She is good with people, kids (okay, kids are people too, but I'm emphasizing the kids, because they can be stressful to some dogs), and she is good with other dogs as well.

She also had some really good training because when we call her (and she's not playing ball), she comes. When she brings the ball, she can put it into your hand if you ask her to. The only problem that we have encountered with her is she got a bit stressed and ripped up the carpet under the kitchen table. I guess when we are rich we'll get new carpet.

She seems to trust me a lot more than Sandra. Sometimes the ball has gone under Sandra's bed. She is over there trying to get it out. If Sandra lifts the bed, she won't go under, but if I lift the bed, she'll quickly go under and retrieve the ball and come back out.

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